Mission Statement: Sew Powerful is a Christian ministry that works to combat extreme poverty by creating jobs that provide training and tools to facilitate the creation of purposeful products. These include purses, school uniforms, reusable hygiene pads, soap, and farm fresh food. All designed to promote and enable the academic success of children throughout Zambia, while providing the dignity of work for adults.
Learn More About Our
Mission & Purpose
Watch A Presentation Of Our Journey
Sew Powerful Mission
Statement Of Faith
Statement of Faith: Sew Powerful is a Christian ministry working to demonstrate the love of Christ to those in need. We love and serve all people through our programs regardless of their faith, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Jesus said, ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40).
Core Values
We Walk By Faith, with hope in things not yet seen. Carrying the love of Christ as we serve like him. Our faith means,
- We are called to look after orphans and widows. James 1:27 says, ‘True religion, that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this – to look after orphans and widows in their time of need…’.
- We are working to make the world a better place now, in keeping with Jesus’ command in Matthew 25:31-46, ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in; naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.’ Our mission to assist the poor in practical, tangible ways.
We Are A Learning Organization, working to eradicate poverty as we make a better physical, social, educational, environmental, and spiritual climate. We desire to learn new things so we can see God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10,
- We strive implement world-class methods for education, vocational training, health, and farming.
- We work to unlock people’s God-given talents and skills so they can improve their community through good paying jobs.
- We learn from
We Are Frugal, ensuring that not a single penny is wasted. Our frugality means,
- We strive to keep our overhead rate as low as possible, ensuring that no money is wasted on unnecessary expenses.
- We are volunteer driven. We strive to empower volunteers to take on substantive and core activities – using their free time as a major contribution to our success.
- To the largest extent possible, we depend on word-of-mouth marketing, free publicity, and other free methods to spread the word about our programs.
We Are Focused, striving to make a real difference in the area we operate. Our focus means,
- by Board Mandate, we only operate in one country – Zambia. We would rather go deep in addressing the problems involved in one specific area.
- We limit our program initiatives to focus on local employment for local impact - job creation that unlocks academic success.
Through all these experiences we’ve become convinced that empowering seamstresses is what we’re destined to do.
Read more about our start-up efforts here.
We hope you’ll decide to join us on this exciting adventure.
Jason & Cinnamon Miles